Farzanegan Elderly Care House

Esfahan, Esfahan
Elham Geramizadeh, Ehsan Hosseini, Alireza Zamani, Alale Mohseni, Mohammad reza Asgari

Elderly care center is located in a garden near Sede-town around city of Esfahan. The building is designed to benefit from the back-ground landscape while this pure relation with the nature is exactly in the users minds back-ground.
The court yards provide a beautiful dialogue between the building and the nature as happens outside with the landscape of garden around and happened in the ancient urban textures of the central parts of Iran.
According to the studies we can divide users of elderly houses in three groups ; people with physical disabilities ,people with mental disabilities ,and people with both mental and physical disabilities.
Considering these three conditions and the vast difference in their lifestyle ,we had to provide types of rooms and therefore levels of supervising units ,collective spaces ,... .