Tehran Competition

Tehran, Tehran
Elham Geramizadeh, Ehsan Hosseini

The interplay between urbanism, architecture, and the varying scales of general and formal design raises a persistent question in architectural discourse: To what extent do cities shape our homes, and conversely, how much are cities constructed incrementally from individual residences?

This project seeks to address this philosophical inquiry by challenging the prevailing condition of urban living in Tehran: that the city is indeed built one house at a time.

Climatic and social studies of Tehran highlight unfavorable conditions within the project area. Therefore, the primary objective is to propose practical solutions that showcase the reciprocal relationship between individual buildings and the cityscape. Additionally, the project aims to leverage the site's potential to create a micro-climate conducive to sustainable living within 150 residential units.

To achieve these goals, the project operates at two distinct scales: the architectural and urban.